Sunday, April 24, 2016

30 before 30

Oh ya'll it's been a long and arduous weekend... Not quite the break from the long and arduous week that I was hoping for :/ Boyfriend came down with the stomach flu so we were stuck in most of the weekend. It did give me time to sit down and plan out this 30 things before I turn 30 nonsense that I thought up last week. 

Sitting down to write down the list of 30 things was more difficult in some ways and easier than I thought in others. I wanted it to be filled with fun things that I never allow myself time to do, or things that I've always said that I wanted to do but never took time to do it because I figure there's always time later. I thought it would be important to add some things that I was scared of as well, or things that I've never properly dealt with in my life.

I want to enter my 30th year, the third decade of my life, in the best place physically, emotionally, and spiritually than I was in my 20s. I want to use the experiences that I've had in my 20s for the good of myself, finally. I've changed and grown a lot. I've redefined my faith. I've graduated college twice. I've found my dream career that I truly feel is a calling of God. I've lived with roommates and on my own. I got a dog and a cat, that I've kept alive so far haha. I've loved and lost, been single and in a relationship. I've gotten a tattoo, dyed my hair (a lot). Rekindled my love for theater. I've been to a foreign country, and tons of places in the US. I've had a great time in my 20s. 

But now that fun time is coming to a close. I have to finally become that responsible, put-together, adult that I always dreamed of becoming haha

But first: THE LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Develop a last morning routine: this is something I've struggled with all of my life. Once I'm up I really love being up early, give me some coffee and I'm a peppy morning person. However, I've never been one to get up early enough to actually have a leisurely breakfast, or have a quiet time, or workout in the morning. I'd like to change that though. I'd love not to get up 10 minutes later than I really should and have to throw myself together to get out the door.
2. Feel comfortable with my body: never in my life have I been comfortable with how I look. Which is exhausting. I can remember being so young, elementary school age, and feeling like I needed to diet or workout or change myself but just not knowing how. Not much has changed. But it should. I should be able to change myself mind or body to come to a place where I can accept who I am and not tie my worth to the size of my jeans. I'm not saying that I don't need to change things to get to a healthier place of acceptance, but I think it's a two way street that I need to walk down both sides.
3. Take more vitamins: I suck at this! I've started and stopped a vitamin routine DOZENS of times. There's just something about remembering to take a vitamin in the morning that I simply cannot do. Maybe this one ties into having a good morning routine.
4. Find doctors I like: I really need to stop going to the MinuteClinic only when I've had a fever of 103 for 3 days. I need to find doctors that I trust and visit them like normal people.
5. Learn to trust in God's timing: This is definitely going to be a tough one. But I've got to find some way to let go of all the hang ups I have about things I don't have in my life. When I turned 20 I imagined I'd be married with at least 2 kids by now, but that wasn't God's plan for my life, and that needs to be okay.
6. Daily prayer journal: When I was younger I used to write my prayers down every day. It was a way to spend time looking over my day and the goals I had for the days to come. It was a time to grow closer to God and maybe trust in His plan. Even if I don't make this a prayer journal, I think it would be nice to start some kind of memory thing so that I could remember all the things in my life that happen even if they seem insignificant.
7. Have a better savings plan: I have a savings account, sure, but I'm not actively building my wealth through it. I need to be better about that.
8. Make a dent in my reading list: I have a reading list 1000 miles long. Classics and new age. It grows constantly, and I don't make time for reading like I used to. I should change that.
9. Cook Book Challenge: I'm not sure how to tackle this one, or what exactly it means, but I want to cook something. Something special and wonderful. Something really difficult. I don't know if I want to cook all the recipes in Julia Child's cookbook like in Julie and Julia (you know that movie with Amy Adams and Meryl Streep), but something along those lines maybe. Maybe a shorter cook book haha
10. Take a glass blowing class: I've always wanted to do this, and they're usually super expensive, but I should just rip the band aid off and do it. I think it would be so fun!
11. Ride on a train: I've ridden in trains before (don't freak out) but never cross country, or to a destination. I've never ridden a train as a form of travel, and I think that would be really fun.
12. Travel: This one I'm going to leave kind of vague. I want to go somewhere I've never been, or experience some place in a way I haven't done before. I don't want to tie myself down to one place or experience, I'll just say travel. Somewhere.
13. Take a road trip: Longer than ones I've taken before. One where you stop at all the silly stops along the way to see the world's biggest ball of yarn and stuff like that.
14. Get another tattoo (sorry mom): This one I've been planning for a while, and I need to just do it.
15. Organize my work paperwork better: This is one that I'm sure is surprising for most people because I've always been such a super organized person, but there's something about work that makes it impossible for me to find a good way to stay organized. I develop a system and it just doesn't stick for long. I'll change that.
16. Go ice skating: I've honestly never done this before!
17. Host Friendsgiving: I really wanted to do this last year, but it just didn't work out well. I just love the idea of cooking a really yummy and semi-fancy meal for all of my friends. Maybe this can pair well with the cookbook challenge.
18. Have a once in a lifetime meal: 5 star restaurant, ridiculous amounts of money, so many courses, full for days, worth every calorie and penny kind of meal. 
19. Have more intentional friendships: I need to be better about spending regular time with my friends, talking to them on the phone, texting more, emailing more, catching up more. I'm so bad at this and I'm not really sure why. I will be better though.
20. Run a half marathon: again. I don't know why this one came to my head, but I just really want to. 
21. Take a photography class: maybe I can finally learn how to use my super fancy camera I bought years ago.
22. Complete a photo challenge: like one of those take a photo a day kind of things. Not just doing half of one like I usually do.
23. Spend a weekend unplugged: a phone just for phone calls, imagine that. No social media, no internet, no texting. Just genuine face to face enjoyment.
24. Take piano lessons: I've been wanting to learn to play the piano since I was 5. I'd say it's about time.
25. Shoot a gun: this is something that completely terrifies me. I hate guns. Hate them. Terrified of them. But I should learn how :/
26. Read/watch the news daily: facebook should not be my only source of worldly news...
27. See SNL in person: I would love love love to watch a live taping of SNL. It's gonna be tough to pull off, but I want to at least try!
28. Learn to drive a stick shift: I've attempted this several times with poor results. I've got the general idea, but it's not a skill I'd take onto the road, around real people, that I could potentially kill.
29. Crochet an afghan: or at least finish the one I started. A huge, snuggly one.
30. Throw a big birthday bash: and love every minute of it!

I actually also started working towards #2 this weekend :) I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I'm starting another whole30 on Monday, with no definite end date. I'm going to cheat some, I already know this because one of the biggest things I learned about whole30 last time, was the importance of moderation. But, as much of a hassle as it was, and as much as I felt as I was missing out on things, I felt so good about myself last time. I felt confident about everything that I put into my body, and thusly felt really good about my body and the good changes I was making.

So let the countdown journey begin!

<3 ME

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Long Time No See

Why hello there friends!

It's been quite a while since my last blog post and the end of my Whole30 journey. Things have been quite hectic since then. Things have been beyond ridiculously busy at work, there have been birthdays and celebrations, trips and no-getting-out-of-bed days. There have been hopeful dreams followed by many "yes's" and "no's" from God.
I've stuck with some Whole30 meals, but (especially lately) things have slid quite a lot. Stress can do that to you I'm afraid. Roomie and I are actually planning a new Whole30 journey (don't worry, that's not what I'm writing to tell you).

Here's what's been on my mind lately, and why I'm coming to you all about it:

As some of you may know, I'm turning 30 this year. In 7 months and 21 days to be exact, but who's counting...
As some of you may also know, I don't do well with birthdays... especially "big" milestone ones that are supposed to be some kind of mark of how amazing my life is and how much I've achieved and accomplished. Heck, I had a hard time with my 20th birthday if that tells you anything about me haha
So, I'm a little bit less than excited to reach this milestone. In fact when Boyfriend asked if I wanted to throw a big party this year, lets just say my response was quite tearful :/

Now, I realize that 30 is still so young and I have so much of my life left, blah blah blah But here's the thing. I don't want to dread getting older. I don't want milestones like this to make me dwell on all the things that I don't have in my life that I would like to, but don't have tons of control over. I want to trust that God has the perfect plan in my life, and I want to somehow learn to trust in His perfect timing. Which is something I've struggled with all of my life. In my journey of faith with God, trusting in His timing is the absolute hardest thing for me. I was quite a control freak in my younger, more youthful days, and believe it or not I've mellowed QUITE a bit (ask anyone, seriously, it's a miracle). But that portion of my personality that likes order, and predictability, and monotonous schedules has always yearned for God to give me a life that simply has the things that I want when I think it would be a good time in my life to have them. (which I'm sure is precisely the reason that He has not designed my life that way, because if my life was wrapped up in a pretty little bow like that, then what would I need Him for?)

So this desire of wanting to find some way to approach this milestone birthday with excitement instead of dread, and wanting to find a way to fully trust in God's timing in my life and not allow comparison to be the thief of joy in my life, brought me to an idea. What if, I made a list. A top "30" things I wanted to accomplish in my life before I reach the big 3-0. Now, I've been slow to the party so I don't have a full year left, but I do have 7 months. Surely I should be able to accomplish something by then. Would that help me change my perspective? If instead of just wasting away my 29th year on this planet, because I'm dreading the end of my 20's and everything that being 30 will bring. I mean, I'm going to finally have to be a real adult.... that sounds like the best and worst thing all rolled into one haha

So, I was settled on it. A great idea! 30 things to do before I'm 30!

But, where do I start? Do I even have 30 things I want to accomplish? And that thought is what brings me to you guys :)

I need some help. Some of you are already 30, some of you not. Some of you are quickly approaching it just like myself. What are some things you wish you had done before you were 30? Some habits you wish you had formed, an important lesson you wish you had known, something you could've done to better set up your future, or something that if I don't make time for it now I definitely won't make time for it in my 30s or 40s or 50s? Help me compile my list! Help me make this the best 29th year I could have. Help me approach turning 30 with joy and peace :)

Help me write my list, and I promise I'll keep you updated every time I check something off! Comment below and I'll update with the final draft picks.

Celebrate year 29 with me, I'm going to make it a great one!

<3 ME