Monday, February 1, 2016

Case of the Mondays

There was something about today being the first of the month, and a Monday that did not align well with the rest of the universe or something!
Today was so crazy.
I rushed to work early where the trouble just began right away. My kids were wonderful, but sometimes it's just difficult working in the healthcare system who is just desperately trying to save money, when all you want them to do is give you money to help improve the quality of life of little kids. It's a warped system that at times I just want to scrap it all together. Today was one of those days.

I was such a slacker I took no pictures of my breakfast or lunch haha

I just had a lara bar and a banana for breakfast as I drove to work, then I made tomato soup yesterday which I ate with some leftover gnocchi. The soup tasted pretty good, but I forgot to blend it so it was still pretty chunky with tomatoes which I don't love. I like my tomato soup without chewing... so it wasn't wholly pleasant for me on a textural level.

For dinner Boyfriend requested hot sour soup, which I easily obliged since it doesn't call for anything that isn't compliant. I also made some more Asian style meatballs in a ginger/soy sauce brother, which we used coconut aminos for obviously!
I also threw a few snow peas into the pan with the meatballs while they were cooking. A pretty satisfying meal for the penultimate dinner before Whole30 is done!

I don't know why but these last few days have been harder for me than the whole rest of the time. I don't know if it's because I'm just so close or what. It's actually not been that hard to say no to foods I can't have. I might gripe and complain, but I feel just fine without them. What has been hardest is giving up a lot of social gatherings that would be surrounded with food because it's just too difficult and not satisfying to go out to eat or to other people's houses. Whole30 is wonderful when I sit down to a meal like the one I prepared tonight. Hot and flavorful, and not obviously missing anything enjoyable. It's not like having to go to a restaurant and order a salad with grilled chicken and a bottle of vinegar as salad dressing... Just not the relaxing reward that eating out used to be.

But tomorrow is the last day and then reintroduction begins. I'm going to try my hardest to wait the full 2 days between each reintroduction day, but I'm not going to promise that I'm not going to cut it down to one day in between haha

<3 ME

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