Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Day 30

Holy moly. Day 30. It seems like forever ago and yesterday all at the same time.  Whole 30 is "done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

First things first: how was the day?

Breakfast was definitely on the go this morning

 Nothing like munching a Lara Bar and a banana while you re-evaluate a kiddo's gross motor skills haha

Lunch was over a meeting (surprise, surprise)
More tomato soup with the last of the leftover gnocchi. With fruit and some veggies :) Pretty yummy

I had nachos down on the meal plan for tonight, but I had planned on doing them on bell peppers. It was as I was thumbing through Pinterest this afternoon as my student started treating some patients that I found the idea of using plantain chips for them! Luckily we had some leftover from game night last week! Guys this was... SO YUMMY! I devoured it. And if I didn't need leftovers for dinner on Thursday or for Roomie to eat dinner tonight I probably would've had more!
 It was such a fun, make it up as I go, ending dinner to this experience. I sautéed some peppers and onions for some added crunch and flavor. Cooked some ground turkey with paprika, chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, cumin, salt, and pepper with a little bit of veggie stock. Then topped with salsa. Maybe I really have come a long way because I didn't remotely miss cheese on this!
Finally got to cross of day 30 on the countdown! I was a little excited as you can see haha

So, the biggest question I've gotten is "so how do you feel?" I mean, I feel great. Even without caffeine I have lasting energy all day, no afternoon slump. My skin is brighter and fresher. I still have a bit of redness to my skin which I was hoping would dissipate, but I'm trying a few new things this week, so we'll see how that works. I've been in a generally good mood. I will say I haven't been in a good mood the whole time. The first week (or two...) I was definitely.... sensitive. Between my caffeine withdrawal headache, and consistently feeling not satisfied, it didn't take much for me to get upset. But that dissipated haha Something that I didn't notice until today, I think, was that I haven't had an upset stomach or felt nauseated in any way for the entire month. I'm not frequently subject to stomach aches, but I'm sure at least once a month I would eat something that didn't sit right or something, but not during this whole 30. There were definitely days that my palate didn't feel satisfied, but I was never starving. I'm not allowed to officially weigh in until tomorrow haha but I do think I've lost weight which wasn't what I was striving for, but is always nice. I feel healthier, cleaner, lighter, which is a great way to feel.

The things I've struggled with the most, has definitely been the sheer amount of work that this takes. There is never a day/night off, never a moment to relax. It's definitely an added stress some days especially when you want to plan something outside of your house. Restaurants are so nice, but you're really limited to the types of restaurants you can visit, you definitely need to do a little research before you go, and you have to be a bit of a thorn while you're there. And unfortunately there's no way that you can know without a shadow of a doubt that you didn't accidentally have something you weren't supposed to have. More stressful than that, I think, is eating over at someone else's house. I feel like such a burden when they tell me what they're planning to serve and I can't eat huge components of it. I've felt a bit anti-social over the past month. And there are definitely days that are more work than others and I just wanted to be able to come home and relax and have someone else cook for me, but also not an option.

The biggest hurdle to eating healthy is definitely time. And then money. I've been so proud of the way I've been able to get our groceries for pretty much the same price as we were spending previously. On an overall daily basis, I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything, and really loved all the healthy dishes we were able to eat. We had some really really yummy food along the way! I am going to proceed with the reintroduction starting tomorrow, but I think I will try to keep Whole30 compliant during the week with maybe a bit more leniency on the weekends. Everything in moderation. You always need a break. You can't be so strict and hard on yourself forever!

So hopefully reintroduction doesn't reveal some horrible allergy or food sensitivity that I wasn't aware of haha
Tomorrow I add in non-gluten grains. I'm pretty excited :)

<3 ME

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