Wednesday, January 6, 2016

10% and Loading

So day 3 equals 10% of the Whole 30 completed!!! a somewhat comforting thought

Not so comforting... I'm totally over eggs already, ugh! I woke up this morning knowing that I had my egg muffins waiting on me, and all I could think about is how much I'd rather have a big glass of juice. Of course we didn't have any compliant juice in the house because who would've been able to predict such a craving?! I mean, I sucked it up and ate the eggs because I made them already and I'm not going to let the precious only food that I can eat go to waste! The star of breakfast this morning was definitely my apple though!
I also reverted back to water this morning. The decaf yesterday just wasn't worth the effort for now, maybe next week I'll feel differently. My persistent nagging headache just laughs at the measly effort the decaf puts forth.
I don't know what it is about this week that means that everyone and their brother has to bring in sweet treats to work, but it's definitely making things tough. This plate sat in front of me for most of my meeting this afternoon:
I was pretty happy with my lunch today though, and even remembered to take a picture for you guys!!!
I just cooked a chicken breast with some spices on it in a pan and then roasted some potatoes in the oven with some grapeseed oil, garlic, salt, pepper, and dill. I just needed some potatoes in my life today and if I'm allowed them then I'm going to eat them!
Dinner wasn't my highlight of the day like it normally is, but I guess you can't win them all.
I roasted a few more potatoes which were sadly a little dry because I made them over at Boyfriend's house and I was unaware that they didn't have any oil that was compliant. (silly of me to assume obviously) so I topped them with a bit of salsa. Then I adapted a recipe that we love, Greek Turkey burgers, to be whole30 compliant. It's ground turkey with dill, salt, pepper, fresh garlic, and sundried tomatoes mixed together into patties. We usually add some feta cheese to the mix and make tzatziki sauce to top them with. Obviously I omitted the feta :( I made some tzatziki with an avocado instead of greek yogurt. It tasted okay, but I just couldn't get past the texture (as some of you know textures of food is a big struggle for me) so I just left it off. They were still juicy and flavorful so that's good :) I think Boyfriend really missed his feta and bun haha but as per our agreement of him being supportive, he just told me they tasted good ;) that man's a keeper I tell you!
Luckily despite all the temptations that surround me, I haven't slipped yet, or really even come close. The cravings that I'm having for food (such as sugar) I just feed with compliant foods like fruit or potatoes. I'm assuming as my body continues to let go of the need for some of those foods that I'll crave more of the salty/savory foods again and decrease the amount of fruit I'm needing. I'm not a big fruit person as it is, I've always much preferred vegetables, so it's a strange shift for me to be eating so much fruit. I definitely didn't prepare well enough for that this week. I bought more vegetables, so next week I'll definitely add a bit more variety to my fruits to give myself some better options and quantities and omit some of the other snacks.
So far, I'm really proud of Roomie, Biffel and myself. I know it's only 10% completed and there are tons of more challenges to come (like eating out at restaurants :/ ) but we've set up a good foundation and a good support group of people. It's been a great way to force myself to think about food how I need to think about food, and to make my body give up those things it's stuck on that are so unhealthy for it.
Stay tuned for day 4, maybe my headache will finally be gone haha
<3 ME

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