Monday, January 4, 2016

And So It Begins

So Day 1!
It started off a little tougher than I thought because Boyfriend isn't feeling well today, so that re-arranged a few things. And the lack of my habitual coffee making this morning was pretty sad...
I started with my egg muffins that I prepared yesterday. Here's the recipe I used  Paleo Egg Muffins. Lesson from this first batch: definitely use more spices/seasonings than I think I need! I put salt and pepper and garlic powder in them but they could use a TON more!

I had a banana somewhere during my morning haha and then I had a "taco" salad for lunch that was just a half a chicken breast that I sautéed and some salsa (I forgot to take a picture :/ maybe tomorrow I'll do better!) I also had some celery with some cashew butter.
I found an already made nut mix at the store with cashews, almonds, and pistachios that were dry roasted. I had a serving of those for an afternoon snack.

Now, tonight was a rehearsal night so I mixed together ingredients lettuce wraps in the crock pot last night and plugged it in before I left for work this morning. I came home to a yummy dinner that I scarfed down before I fled the house. I was able to pack a bit up and bring to Roomie at the theater which was really nice! And it turned out pretty yummy I think :)

I also had an apple with some leftover cashew butter from lunch as a snack during rehearsal.

So overall, thehe worst part of the day: definitely no caffeine haha I've walked past a few cookies and even gum was a bit tough, but for the most part I was full and fine. I'm a bit foggy with the slightest edge of a headache because I haven't had any caffeine yet today. I can tell tomorrow is going to be super rough on that front :/
I've also had a lot more questions today than I anticipated :) hopefully this journey will be good to bring light to healthy eating for the good of our bodies more than just for weight loss. I am optimistic today and excited about such great changes!

Tune in for day 2, hopefully it won't be a reverse attitude haha

<3 ME

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