Friday, January 8, 2016

Lazy Days

When I was younger Thursday's used to be my favorite day of the week. I don't know why. Good things tended to happen to me on Thursday I guess, I just liked the feel of the word, something weird little me felt. But, I'll tell you, at this point in my life Friday's are pretty sweet. I don't work a lot ok Friday's so they're often days full of busy adult-like things that my crazy work schedule doesn't allow during the other days of the week. Like making it to the post office before they close, or getting my hair cut. Today I did work a little, but I still had plenty of time for some glorious laziness, which I definitely don't indulge enough in!
I started off by mixing my breakfast up just a little bit:

A scrambled egg, a bit of leftover sausage I made for the egg muffins, an apple, and just a smidge of delicious orange juice! I unfortunately then had to run to see a few kiddo's but then I was back for lunch and had some time to be a little creative :)

I threw some onions, bell pepper, and zucchini in a skillet to brown a little. Seasoned half a chicken breast with ginger, garlic, chili powder, salt and pepper and threw that in too. When it was all browned a bit I added some liquid aminos, red pepper flakes, more ginger, and just a tiny splash of orange juice. Let that simmer for a bit and voilĂ ! Stir fry :) and it was delicious!!!
Made even better by my favorite lunch partner, dooleydog.

My afternoon off also gave me time to prep for tonight's dinner. I have a recipe for Cuban Mojo Pork that I've used before and is whole30 compliant and so yummy. Boyfriend really likes it too :) he's been a real champ so far dealing with this crazy thing we've embarked on and I want to get to make him yummy things that he enjoys along with making him eat whatever other "healthy" stuff I throw at him haha I served it with some roasted potatoes that I spiced with garlic, smoked paprika, chili powder, and salt and pepper. It was nice to have a quick family dinner before we ran out for a little fun at the movies (which really means we got there and the movie we were going to see was sold out, so we just saw Star Wars again haha)

I also got to be a little crafty today and made a little countdown sign for our house.

A little inspiration if you will! I'm not really feeling like the time is dragging by or really looking forward to the end so far. Would I like some ice cream? Absolutely! But I've also been pretty good without it so far.
Amazing how your body knows what it needs and what it doesn't sometimes ;)

<3 ME

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