Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Good with the Bad

It's definitely and up and down kind of week. It's been so cold the past few days and I've really been missing my hot drink in the mornings. So I read about how cold brewing coffee decreases some of the bitterness which is what I've been disliking the most during my journey of black decaffeinated coffee... so I decided I'd try it last night, I mean what's the loss right?

I put some coffee grounds in a paper towel and put it down in some water in a thermos and let it sit in the fridge overnight. I heated it up this morning (because with how cold it was outside I couldn't bear to drink it cold!) and it really wasn't bad! Definitely less bitter, so I'm going to try it again tomorrow and see if it was just a fluke ;)

Work was busy this afternoon so no lunch pic again, sorry ;)

BUT tonight was the night that Roomie and I were so excited about because we got to venture out to our first restaurant since starting this Whole30 journey!!!

And all to surprise and celebrate this wonderful friend's birthday!!!!

She was totally surprised and it was so amazing :)
Dinner was slightly challenging because it was a restaurant where we didn't prepare the food or see the ingredients :/ Also because it was such a special night the menu was preselected. But our waitress was so so nice and she brought us a salad without dressing with some olive oil and vinegar on the side

So Roomie and I chowed down and were pretty proud of navigating this first big challenge. I mean I'm not going to lie, the huge plate of spaghetti and meatballs and all the cannolis were pretty tough to resist, but we took a lot of free smells and passed it all by.

Entering our third full week, I can't say that I don't still crave the "bad" foods. I still wish I could have some yogurt for breakfast, or some cream in my coffee, or you know... a cupcake.... But it's definitely easier to walk away from them. They don't pull me as strongly. I'm getting quicker about knowing what I can and can't have, and guessing what things would be in recipes that we couldn't have. Baby steps. And we have only 2 full weeks left :)

We get to eat out again tomorrow before we go to see Book of Mormon at the Fox. It'll be so fun to have another night out. After feeling so anti-social all of a sudden we're social butterflies.

Just hoping to sprinkle in some good with all the sad lately.
<3 ME

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