Sunday, January 10, 2016


How in the world do we juggle all the different things in our lives?! I feel like Whole30 is making me a little antisocial... This program would be perfect if all I ever did was sit in my house waiting to cook and eat or at the grocery store buying appropriate things for me to eat, but alas that is not how my life works...
Before I tell you about that though, let's pause for a moment to celebrate the fact that we've almost made it all the way through week 1!!!!!!!

It's gone by pretty fast, I'm sure because it's been amazingly busy, but nothing like what I'm going to face next week :/ I'll get to that tomorrow though.
So I started my day throwing together (Hahahaha) a breakfast casserole of sorts. Eggs, potatoes, onion, bell pepper, and the sausage I made. It was actually pretty good, I can eat this for a few days haha

Then I ran out the door with some leftover pork from last night and several snacks packed for a day of rehearsals at the theatre. Because of course on top of the craziness of Whole30 we're opening our show next Friday. So I spent the day running around, singing, and of course make-uping which is pretty fun. And at least I get to spend time with Roomie and Boyfriend :) and no I didn't take a picture of my lunch, I'm sorry, I told you it was busy!! You'll have to settle for one of me and Roomie instead...

Now here comes the most stressful part. After being at the theatre from 11-6:30 I had on the agenda to make some chili. And here's also where my opinion that this program is perfect if you're planning no social events. Boyfriend and I had planned to go to a game night at our friends' house. We had said we could be there by 7, and if we could've left straight from rehearsal and grabbed something to eat on the way it would've been no problem. But I can't do that. Nor can I accept the loving offer to be provided food by anyone because it takes a while to explain to everyone all the things I can/can't have. Not to mention the list of unacceptable preservatives that are most likely in the ingredients they would be using, because I know they're in the ones that are just sitting in my fridge and cupboards while I can't use them for 30 days. So we had to be late... Significantly late. And I HATE being late...
Bright spot though? Our friends are gracious and wonderful and didn't mind that we were so late. And I got to shower and become human again after being a poor Jewish woman from Russia all day.
And we got to eat some DELICIOUS chili!! Like I mean really yummy guys!

And had a wonderful time with our friends. Because nothing makes you feel better than laughter :)

So, yes, Whole30 is definitely adding a little bit more stress to my life these days. Tons of planning, tons of work, tons of having to plan how to participate in social events because you have to spend so much time with your food haha but it's worth it. And I'll learn. And it'll get easier. When I was prepping to begin Whole30 a big piece of advice was to make sure you had a good social support system around you, and I can't begin to tell you how true that is. It's so wonderful to have Roomie keep me accountable and help me prep food and clean the millions of dishes that I dirty up constantly. And a wonderful boyfriend who is definitely my balance when I'm freaking out about how I'm going to get everything done. He reminds me to breathe, take it one step at a time, and assures me that we can get it all done. And as per our agreement, he tells me all the food is delicious haha

One day at a time :)

<3 ME

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