Friday, January 8, 2016


I can't begin to tell you how depressed I am about already not wanting to eat eggs for breakfast! I distinctly remember eating a scrambled egg every single morning for breakfast my senior year of high school, I don't know why I've become so high maintenance in my adulthood to require a different meal for breakfast now haha I literally convinced myself that I wasn't hungry until around 11 this morning because I just didn't want to eat these silly egg muffins. Of course I ate them anyway because I've already made them and wasted all the money on their ingredients. The true hero of breakfast though was this beauty:

Just a little 100% juice. It was a beautiful thing!

I got a little creative with my lunch today as well.

Sautéed a few onions and green bell peppers along with some chicken. Topped it with salsa and it's basically like fajitas.
I'm definitely not eating as many snacks this late in the week. My celery and mixed nuts were just not appealing so I didn't eat them. I had an apple with lunch and one with dinner and I didn't really feel hungry in between.

Now dinner... For all my beautiful planning a day like today was bound to happen. My meal plan dictated that I make some Mojo flavored pork tenderloin tonight. We have rehearsal tonight and that can cook in the crock pot while I'm at work. Except: I didn't get any pork at the store this weekend because it was more expensive than I wanted to pay and I wanted to see if Aldi had it cheaper... Only I forgot to run by there earlier this week. So I woke up this morning with no pork to start cooking. Well, lucky for me I had a TON of cancellations at work this afternoon so I thought, PERFECT! Ran to the store, sure enough the pork was cheaper, and ran home to throw it in the crock pot with hopefully long enough to cook. I pull out the ingredients mix up the sauce that goes over it only to realize I'm supposed to marinate it for at least several hours-overnight.... Well, there goes that plan. So survival mode! I've got to have a dinner that I can throw into containers, hot, in less than 15 minutes after I get home so that I can take dinner for me, Roomie, and Boyfriend to the theatre. And j have an hour to execute it before I have to be back at work. I feel like I'm on an episode of Iron Chef or something, just give me my secret ingredients! Well, we had some leftover pasta sauce from the zucchini noodles and I had leftover ground turkey that I was going to use for meatballs tomorrow night. That'll do! I throw together some meatballs with the ground turkey, an egg, garlic/Italian seasoning/salt/pepper and cook them off really quickly. I throw some potatoes in the oven to bake them and figure Roomie and I can eat the sauce and meatballs on top of the potatoes kind of like chili. Now, there's enough sauce and meatballs to share with Boyfriend and I have some leftover macaroni noodles from the Mac and cheese feast we had the day before Whole30 began. Guys, it turned out perfect! It was rushed and crazed and there's nothing like eating out of Tupperware outside, but it was so yummy and SUPER filling!! Crisis averted :)

So the pork is marinating for tomorrow and all in all its been a good day. I hate the idea of eggs still, but I'll come up with some solutions. Maybe just a better variety of flavors or better seasoning in general for the egg muffins. I have a different breakfast planned for the weekend which I'm looking forward to :) and I woke up without a headache today!!! I can make it through this guys ;)

<3 ME

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